"In 2020, Częstochowa celebrated the 800th anniversary of its entry into the historical annals. In an occasional text, Marceli Antoniewicz mentioned that this might be a good opportunity to revive my idea. Exhibit Częstoch. A little earlier, the city authorities decided to revitalize the Old Market Square and incorporate the Balancing Sculpture Theater into it. I thought it might be a good time to curate one, even if I had to do it myself. And so it went. The authorities, on behalf of the people of the city, wanted to accept such a gift from me and set it among the actors in the theater being created.
The city will now enter the new century with a carved image of its founder. I believe that after so many attempts and considerations, there will be those willing to wrap it in further legends, support it with interesting events, new customs, revive it and add color to the fabric of urban traditions, put a fresh touch to the city image.
In the current version, I present him as a mature man. Following the suggestions and hints of the participants of happenings and several other meetings, his face has some of my features, albeit after a facelift.
I had to make him somewhat more handsome and serious. He is dressed in typical medieval costume, a tunic and narrow leggings with tapes crossing at the shins that also hold pointed shoes. He is distinguished by festive imported accessories. Over his shoulder he wears a fabric decorated with golden stars which covers his head in the moments of foretelling. In his outstretched hand he holds a horn, one of a bigger collection.
He would drink from such horns, trumpet on similar ones, and from others he would make drawing vessels or specific torches. With his right hand, he holds a ceremonial staff topped with a bird of prey with a large tomcat perched below. Apparently, he brought these decorations back from the distant travels he used to embark on in his youth. There are other symbolic signs, testimonies of friendships and achievements. On his head he wore a robust cap with the cap brims lowered. Many of the pieces of costume and furnishings are associated with legendary descriptions. Eventually, he assumed a position and form which he would not have to be ashamed of, standing among other mighty men of similar vesting." (Jerzy Kędziora, Częstoch – ojciec miasta, patron Igrców, "Rocznik Muzeum Częstochowskiego" 2021, vol. 19, p. 110–111)